School Performance Data
SATS tests are an official measure of pupil attainment at the end of Key Stage 2. We report the results as percentages of children who meet the expected standard and better and those who have achieved a higher standard (working at greater depth). We report results for reading, writing and maths and GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling). In addition to this we the combined score for reading, writing and maths (RWM) which shoes the percentage of pupils achieving the standard in all three subjects. The scores for our school are compared to those for Wiltshire and Nationally. This year we have achieved scores above both county and national figures across all subject areas which is a testament to the hard work and commitment from all the children and staff along with the support from parents.
2024 Key Stage 2 Access Arrangements Guidance - GOV.UK (
Key Stage 2 Results
Standards 2023 / 2024