
We are proud of all our children and think that when they are dressed smartly in their uniforms they are better prepared to learn at school. Our uniform is simple and supports a sensible approach. Please note that scarlet is the school colour. Please ensure all clothing has your child’s name in or on it. 

Ordering Uniform

Our school uniform supplier is http://www.brigade.uk.com/ 

All orders placed online are delivered to the school office and will be distributed to your child.

Our School Uniform consists of:

  • Embroidered round neck sweatshirt or cardigan (available via the office) or plain red cardigan/sweatshirt
  • Grey or black school trousers or tailored shorts or grey school skirt/culottes
  • White or red polo shirt or white shirt/blouse (long or short sleeves)
  • Red and white gingham/striped dress or grey pinafore dress


It is important that children wear sensible black school shoes and not trainers. Shoes with large heels are particularly unsuitable for the safety of children, especially when they need to run and play at break times. In the summer children can wear proper tailored sandals. Slip-on footwear e.g. mules, flip flops or ‘Crocs’ are not suitable for school. Practicality is essential. Boots, of any kind, are not allowed.

Sports Kit

  • Red T-Shirt with printed logo and Navy blue/black plain shorts and
  • Trainers (plimsolls can be purchased for indoor PE if preferred but these are not essential)
  • Tracksuits, or equivalent, in school colours of black, red or grey, are recommended for outdoor sessions
  • One-piece swimming costume for girls and swimming hat (for one term only)
  • Swimming trunks and hat for boys (for one term only)


Hairstyles should be sensible and practicable. Coloured hair or extreme cuts are not suitable for school. Long hair should be kept tidy and tied back with a band or a small srunchie; clips, preferably in the school colours, can also be used. Hair should not impede PE lessons. Tied back hair is less susceptible to transmittable agents e.g. head lice. Extreme hairstyles are often difficult to reverse and can cause anxiety to your child. 


No Jewellery should be worn for school. Exceptions include a sensible watch and stud earrings. Pierced ears, within the first 6/8 weeks, should be covered with a plaster/medical tape (provided by home) during sports sessions. Please note that ‘taped’ ears are not suitable in the pool. For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear necklaces, bracelets or rings because of the potential danger to the wearer and others. This includes ‘religious symbols’. Any parent having concerns over this should speak directly to the Head of School.

Second Hand Uniform

To find out about second hand uniform please visit our Facebook group for parents reselling or donating outgrown or un-needed school uniforms for Wyndham Park Infants School and St Marks
