Staying Safe Online

St Mark's School takes the online safety of its pupils seriously and builds into lessons and fun times the need to stay safe online, at all times.

Children are accessing the internet from a young age and may be more vulnerable when using the internet and social media sites such as TikTok and Snap Chat as they may not be aware that they are being bullied. Young people may also not be able to judge when it is safe to share personal information online or how to report bullying.

We recommend talking about staying safe online from a young age to start online safety awareness as soon as possible. Please share the following documents with your child, they are helpful in teaching online safety.

Staying Safe Online - Useful poster produced by Cerebra

Keep your children safe online poster 

Child Friendly Online Safety Information Posters 

Pease follow the links, below, to view child friendly information posters from National Online Safety about staying safe online. Please share these with your child/children to raise their awareness of how to stay safe online and when using social media (if they have it).

Top tips for setting boundaries around gaming 

Be kind online





Grand Theft Auto (GTA)l

Online grooming


How to combat online bullying

InterlandA fun adventure game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. Play your way to being Internet legends!

Childnet SMART CrewThese cartoons illustrate 5 online safety SMART rules and include a real life SMART Crew of young people, who guide the cartoon characters in their quest, and help them make safe online decisions.


Useful Documents and Links for Parents

SWGfL Online Safety Guidance for Parents and Carers

CEOPReport something inappropriate or potentially illegal to the “Online Police”

Staying safe online - Follow the links to view

UK Safer Internet Website
On the UK Safer Internet Centre you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

Childnet International
A non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.

The National Crime Agency's CEOP Education team aim to help protect children and young people from online child sexual abuse.

Internet Matters
Working with online safety experts, we’re here to guide you through the many issues children can experience when using the Internet

Advice on what children do on the internet, social networking websites and online games.

Newsround on the BBC
Advice and Tips for staying safe online