ENGLISH as an Additional Language (EAL)

Children with English as an additional language are well supported at St. Marks, where over 15 different languages are spoken.  Children on the EAL register make good progress through a broad and balanced curriculum. There are many opportunities within the classroom for collaborative work where EAL pupils learn from listening and talking in smaller groups.  Language develops best when used in purposeful contexts across the curriculum.

Language is central to our identity. Therefore, the home languages of all pupils are recognised and valued. Children are encouraged to maintain their home Language and use in the school environment wherever possible.  Although many students acquire the ability to communicate on a day to day basis in English quite quickly, the level of language needed for academic study is much deeper and more detailed, and can require continuing support for up to ten years.

At St. Marks the many languages spoken and cultures represented are highly valued and celebrated.  As a school, we are aware that bilingualism is a strength and that EAL pupils and their families have a valuable contribution to make across the school community.