Children as Leaders

At St Mark's, we believe the children should lead their own education and their own journeys - it's their school!

This year, we are giving the opportunity for children to apply for the following roles in school:


The role of a Prefect:

  • You will represent the school to parents, visitors, children and staff.
  • You will do an office duty answering phones and greeting visitors, occasionally supporting with admin tasks such as distributing letters and leaflets.
  • You will be called upon to show visitors around the school and talk to them about our school.
  • You will be, in essence, a junior member of staff and will be expected to take the role seriously.
  • You will need to lead by example and demonstrate responsibility, being a role model for all.

School Council Member

The role of a School Council Member:

  • You will attend regular meetings with other School Council members from each class.
  • You will take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at School Council meetings.
  • You will bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class and encourage your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken.
  • You will encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it.
  • You will contribute towards writing the School Newsletter to inform and update pupils, parents and staff about the school council and their role

House Captains

The role of a House Captain:

  • You will represent your house and lead house meetings with support from teachers
  • You will collate the house points for the whole school on a weekly basis
  • You will update the house point chart and graph (on Excel) to be presented in assembly
  • You will present house point updates in Celebration Assembly every 2 weeks
  • You will contribute towards writing the School Newsletter to inform and update pupils, parents and staff about the sporting achievements of the school

Worship Council Member

The Worship Council will play a vital role in the development of worship within our school. The aim is to develop ways of ensuring each and every member of St Mark’s has time and space to think, reflect and connect with themselves, others and God. 

The role of the Worship Council:

  • Help create a useable worship, reflection and prayer space for the pupils and staff to use 
  • Help encourage the use of quality prayer in our classrooms 
  • Suggest ideas and help lead elements of our whole school collective worship sessions 
  • Evaluate current practice within our classrooms/school and suggest new ideas 
  • Be ambassadors for upholding and promoting our school and Christian values 


Please follow the links below to view the job descriptions and application forms:

Prefect  Job Description Application Form
School Council Rep  Job Description Application Form
House Captain  Job Description Application Form
Worship Council  Job Description Application Form